Monday, 2 June 2014


Pinhole cameras!

- The basics of camera obscura was founded by Abu Ali Hasan Ibn Al-Haitham (Alhazen) (965-1040AD) when he invented the pinhole camera (camera obscura)
- The camera obscura has been used for over a thousand years
- The first camera obscura was simply a small wall in a wall of a dark room or tent
- Light passing through the hole created an inverted (upside-down) image of the outside scene on a white screen placed across the room from the hole
- Artists were the first proper used of the camera obscura as they figured out they could trace the image
- There were a few factors when projecting the image onto the wall such as
  • Sharpness - size of the hole, quality (or smoothness) of the hole
  • Lens Choice - hole is the aperture, distance of wall to hole is the focal length
  • Exposure - trial and error but nowadays digital cameras can figure it out automatically
When attempting to create my own pin hole camera, it really wasn't working out. No image I got was clear nor properly exposed. I had many attempts of which nothing came out nicely or good, AT ALL.
So instead of showing my failed attempts, I'm just going to show some of my favourite ones I've come across when having a search!

These photos were taken by street photographer, Scott Speck.

My opinion on pinhole photography. Well, it's not really for me. I can admire it and see the beauty in pinhole camera photographs, but it's not really my style and not something I can see myself eagerly doing. I can appreciate a pinhole camera photograph well, and understand now the struggles of taking the photos, but it's just not something I'd be going out of my way to do.

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